Baguio Central School: “SMART Learning Community a Futuristic Direction Towards Teaching and Learning Education”

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Hybrid Learning towards New Era of Education

School Head: Mr. Jackson T. Caya-os, P II
Head Teacher: Samuel D. Lachica
SMART Learning Community Advisers:
Conrado V. Mapili Jr.
Racquel Stephanie M. Caponpon
Berlinda M. Garbin
Inchima M. Gomarcho
Jessa C. Bolide
Monaliza B. Bustarde

Baguio Central School, the oldest public school in the Philippines stand tall and home of 3, 290 learners in the city. Center of Excellence since 1898.

The grade 3 department of Baguio Central School was chosen to implement the SMART Learning Community as one of the pilot schools in Baguio City. SLC is composed of 2 sections with a total of 74 learners.

a. Internet Connection
b. Lack of Active Gadgets (1 Tablet:2 Learners Ratio)
Only 23 Tablets are functional
c. Lack of Classrooms

Best Practices:

  1. Hybrid Learning/Hyflex Learning
    *Conducted online class and face-to-face simultaneously.
  2. Integrated Quizziz, ClassPoint, Slido and Mentimeter in teaching.
  3. Maximize of the Usage of YouTube videos, DepEd Recorded videos, Modules from One Stop Shop, and Facebook Group.


Grade 3 Masipag Schedule
Survey Form for the Learners of SMART Learning Community
Grade 3 Masipag Facebook Page: Lessons, Activities, Recorded Hyflex Learning Classes, and PowerPoints are uploaded
Grade 3 Mahinahon Facebook Page: Lessons, Activities, Recorded Hyflex Learning Classes, and PowerPoints are uploaded
Hyflex/Hybrid Learning of the SMART Learning Community Sections
Recorded Hyflex/Hybrid Learning is uploaded in the FB Group.
Quizziz Application is utilized in Activities, Summative Tests, and Periodical Examinations wherein scores are already available upon finishing the quiz, activities and tests.
Quizziz Results (1st Periodical Examination) wherein answers and time are recorded upon finishing the activity.